Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Collecting: Antique Pincushions and Sewing Items

I can't tell you why I love antique sewing items, especially pincushions, but I absolutely adore them. I love them when they have the wear of years of use, and the signs of the many hands that have used them. I love them when they have been repaired and mended, like the sewing they were made to assist with. The funny thing about my passion for sewing antiques, is that I don't do much sewing myself. I like to sew and I admire people with talent for sewing, and maybe that is were my appreciation comes from...I hope one day I will allow myself the time to develop my skill at this domestic art form. But even if I never do, I have these beautiful little reminders of the women who spent their lives mending, making clothes, quilts and all the other things their family needed.
The pincushions (and string holder) are all from my collection. I hope you enjoy seeing them as much as I enjoyed sharing them with you.

A couple of fantastic hand made pincushions. I love how they used what they had.

These are two of my favorites. They are antique Amish Puzzle Balls. Originally made as pincushions, now popular as baby toys.
Here is an antique pincushion that I found while antiquing in Palouse, WA.

I was lucky enough to find this antique Christening or birth announcement pillow or cushion a couple of years ago at a sale. The saying is spelled out with steel straight pins. They were made and given as a baby gift to a new mother and were traditionally hung on the front door to announce the birth. This pincushion is probably from the late 1700s to early 1800s and was found in Scotland.

This is a very old embroidered antique string holder from Europe. This one was found in England.
I love the pale green of this vintage tomato pincushion.

A variety of antique pincushions. I use them to display trinkets.

This large vintage strawberry was found on a trip to Tucson.

These are new strawberries (the one on top is made from an old army blanket and cotton velvet). The make-do is newly made out of antique quilt.


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